Graco Corp Recoil Reducer Drill Fixture


Inlets Buttstocks For Tubular Recoil Reducers

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Everything you need to drill straight, correctly located and centered holes in buttstocks for installing 7/8" diameter, tubular recoil reducers. Steel fixture saves you hours of X"Xeye-ballingX"X and trial and error, so you can provide your customers a valuable service at a reasonable cost, while still earning a decent profit. Sturdy, blued steel locating plate attaches to buttstock using the gunX’Xs existing recoil pad screws and is slotted to adjust to any screw hole spacing. Nylon-lined guide bushing keeps the hardened tool steel 7/8" Forstner drill bit centered, and stop collar locks onto bit shank to prevent drilling too deep on the first pass. Once hole is started, remove the lo Mfg: Graco Corp SPECS: Steel, blue finish. Includes locating plate, drill guide bushing, 7/8X"X (2.2cm) diameter Forstner bit, stop collar with setscrews, Allen wrench, and complete instructions.

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