Shilen Contour #5 Barrel


Contour #5 in Chrome Moly or Stainless Steel

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All the loving care of the best stockmaker and the meticulous attention to detail of the master machinist will not make a gun shoot any straighter than the accuracy capability of the barrel used. And, it is the insides of a barrel, that very small and vital area of lands and grooves over which the gunsmith has no control, that can determine whether the finished work of art is for shooting – or "just for looks". Craftsmanship . . . not price . . . determines the quality of a barrel. But, by the same token, the customer willing to spend the money for a custom gun is shortsighted indeed, if he starts economizing and orders "just any old barrel so long as it’s che Mfg: Shilen SPECS: 4140 chrome-moly or 416 Stainless Steel. METRIC: 1 " (2.5cm), 1 lb. (.45kg). Special Orders: If no Stock # is shown in the chart, that barrel must be ordered on a Special Order basis. Special Orders require Full Payment in Advance and are non-cancelable and non-refundable. Allow

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