Pachmayr S&W K/L/N Frame "compac" Grip


Improves Recoil Control & Concealability

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Comfortable, one-piece, contoured grip that cushions recoil, while offering a superior gripping surface. Slim, solid back design with rounded edges helps keep your carry gun concealed and minimizes drag on clothing. Includes molded checkering and gold-color, Pachmayr emblem. Mfg: Pachmayr SPECS: Molded rubber, black. SK/C – Fits Smith & Wesson X"XKX"X and X"XLX"X frame round butt revolvers including 9mm/.38 Military & Police and .357 Combat Magnum models. SN/C – Fits Smith & Wesson X"XNX"X frame round butt revolvers.

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