Rcbs 7mm Tcu Gold Medal Match Bushing Neck Die Set


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The 7mm TCU Gold Medal Match Series comprises the finest reloading dies built by RCBS. The two-die Neck Bushing set includes the Neck Bushing Sizer Die, which resizes only the case neck, and a Seater Die. This changeable diameter neck bushing die has been trusted by benchrest and long-range precision shooters for years. It lets reloaders precisely set the amount of tension on the bullet, reducing work-hardening of the case neck brass, prolonging case life and increasing accuracy. However, getting these benefits requires the use of high-end brass with consistent neck thicknesses. Neck bushings (sold separately) are available in .001-inch increments from .189-inch to .365-inch. Note: Neck B Mfg: Rcbs

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