RMA builds our American-made Level IIIA soft armor inserts to provide unparalleled protection, comfort, and also versatility. Our new Level IIIA soft armor is for anyone who needs reliable protection against common ballistic pistol threats. These inserts are commonly used in concealable carriers or additionally as backpack armor inserts. Ultra Light. Ultra Concealable Soft Armor. We make our Level IIIA soft body armor inserts from cutting-edge lightweight para-aramid. RMA flexible body armor inserts come in 10×12 and also 11×14 sizing. We build our Level IIIA 0214 panels to fit seamlessly into your SAPI-shaped standard plate carrier or also a backpack slot. Further, it won't restrict your movement while staying low-profile and comfortable. RMA tests our 0214 soft body armor inserts to ensure that they meet or exceed industry standards for protection against common ballistic threats. Level IIIA panels defeat a wide range of handgun rounds from 9mm to .44 magnum. Criminals use handguns in 80% of firearm homicides. The Level IIIA 0214 protects you from the majority of potential ballistic threats. Plus, you can also wear these panels "In Conjunction With" (ICW) hard armor plates to provide a higher level of protection, while also reducing blunt force trauma. You're looking for high-quality American-made soft body armor inserts that also offer the ultimate in protection, comfort, and versatility. Thus, RMA's 0214 IIIA soft armor inserts fit the bill. Our Level IIIA panels are the perfect choice for law enforcement officers, military professionals, and also civilians that want to ensure that they're well-protected against potential threats. Soft Armor Inserts Plate Carrier Compatibility RMA 0214 Level IIIA soft armor inserts are the same size and shape of your RMA hard armor plates. Thus, they're also compatible with the same style plate carriers you already know. However, since soft armor is ultra-lightweight and can be concealed, you'll want to match it up with the right plate carrier. Thus, we recommend the following carriers: 0331 Tactical Rift Plate Carrier RMA Armament Concealable Plate Carrier RMA IIIA Soft Armor Ballistic Test Report Details: Warranty: 5 Year Manufacturer's Warranty Armor Cut: SAPI Cut Weights: 1.15lbs (10×12 panel) 1.52lbs (11×14 panel) Thinness: 0.35" Armor Build: 600 Denier Water Resistant Cover NIJ 0101.06 Tested Made in Centerville, IA – USA RMA Return Policy PLEASE NOTE THAT BY PLACING AN ORDER YOU AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL LAWS REGARDING BODY ARMOR. 18 U.S. Code 931. United States law restricts possession of body armor for felons convicted of a crime of violence (as defined in 18 U.S. Code 16). Many U.S. states also have penalties for possession or use of body armor by felons. When you purchase body armor from RMA Armamant, Inc. or employees of RMA Armament, Inc., you are also certifying that you have not been convicted of any crime that would restrict you from being able to purchase or possess body armor under any Federal or State laws. ***DUE TO THE LIFE-SAVING NATURE OF THIS PRODUCT, ALL SALES ARE FINAL*** 11×14 Panel
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