Hill & Mac Gunworks Cetme Disconnector


Ensure 922r Compliance with this Disconnector

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The Hill & Mac Gunworks CETME Disconnector is made in the USA and is manufactured by EDM. This allows CETME rifle builders to use this part as one 922r-compliant part in the rifle build. The Hill & Mac Gunworks CETME Disconnector can be used in CETME Model L and Model LC rifle receivers. The disconnector works by preventing the rifle from firing more than one shot per pull of the trigger, thus preserving semi-automatic function. Constructed of AISI 8620 steel Carburized to HRC 55 Features a tolerance range of +/- 0.0002 inches Owners of the Hill & Mac Gunworks CETME Disconnector must also purchase the company’s receiver flat, barrel, flash Mfg: Hill & Mac Gunworks

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