Weatherproof, dust-proof, moisture-proof scope covers protect your scope’s lenses from being damaged during tactical and hunting situations. Cover flips open easily with finger pressure to spring up, and out of the way. Eye and Objective covers sold separately. To determine the correct scope cover, measure the diameter of your scope eyepiece or objective and use the chart. Mfg: Butler Creek
Butler Creek Flip Open Eyepiece Lens Covers
Keeps Harmful Debris From Scratching Or Abusing Lenses
SKU: 120000039 Categories: Optics, Optic Accessories, Scope Lens Covers Tags: (31.1MM), (33.0MM), (34.1MM), (35.3MM), (36.4MM), (37.0MM);Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.300, (37.0MM);Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.432, (37.0MM);Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.457, (37.0MM);Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.468, (37.0MM);Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.66, (37.0MM);Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.7, (37.0MM);Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.73, (37.3MM), (37.7MM), (38.5MM), (39.4MM), (39.9MM), (40.8MM), (42.2MM), (42.2X36.8MM), (42.5MM), (43.2MM), (43.9MM), (45.1MM), #1, #3A, #9A, 06007E, 1.225", 1.300", 1.341", 1.388", 1.432", 1.457", 1.468", 1.485", 1.516", 1.550", 1.570", 1.605", 1.660", 1.675", 1.6X1.45", 1.700", 1.730", 1.775", 10, 11, 120000011, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2", 20, 20010, 20035, 20050, 20090, 20095, 20100, 20110, 20130, 20140, 20150, 20160, 20170, 20180, 20190, 20200, 3", 5", 7, 9, BUTLER, Cover, Covers, COVERS;Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.300, COVERS;Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.341, COVERS;Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.432, COVERS;Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.675, COVERS;Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.73, COVERS;Color=Black;End Fit=Ocular;Size=1.775, CREEK, EYEPIECE, FLIP, LENS, MO20010, MO20020, MO20030, MO20035, MO20050, MO20070, MO20090, MO20095, MO20100, MO20110, MO20130, MO20140, MO20150, MO20170, MO20180, MO20190, MO20200, OPEN, PG280PG, SCOPE