Brownells Semi-Auto Pistol Compensator Die


Make & Install Custom Compensators For Reduced Recoil And Better Control

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Use die to thread custom and standard barrels to accept recoil compensators. Dies are 1 1/2" (3.8cm) diameter. Unthreaded comps should be drilled with 3-5/64" HSS drill then reamed to .551" before threading with either tap. Turn barrels to approximately .002" smaller than thread diameter. .575"-40 thread matches most commercial, tapered-sleeve or integral, cone-style comps. .581"-40 thread is same as used on Wilson, Brown and Storm Lake Machine barrels and bushing style comps. .685"-40 thread is used to fit compensators to threaded Bull and Hybrid barrels. .578-28 Compensator Die, commonly used for .45 caliber barrels. Mfg: Brownells SPECS: High speed steel. Carbon Steel.

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