Brownells Five "f"? Compound


Even Finer Than Ultra-Fine

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We really didn’t believe it when customer Don Newman said he’d found a rubbing compound that would bring a Triple "F"(TM) finish up to a "real" shine. We tried it; he’s right and here it is. If you’re going for that "Shinier than a brass bed in a sportin’ house" look, Five "F" will do it. We knocked a brand new Remington finish back a bit, brought it up to just below original with Triple "F" and then got out the Five "F". The resulting gloss and depth are unbelievable! Can be used to give luster to satin finishes, too. To get "Hi-Shine", start with "Original" and work up thru Five "F". Great for scratch removal on fine surfaces like plexiglas or plastic lenses. Mfg: Brownells SPECS: 2 fl. oz. (59.1mL) or 10 fl. oz. (295.6mL) net contents.

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