The Berger 30-Caliber Hybrid Target Bullets are designed to take your .30-caliber long-range precision rifle to the next level, offering a blend of premium projectile features in order to ensure that shooters have the most accurate, precise projectiles on the firing line. The Berger 30-Caliber Hybrid Target Bullets feature a unique combination design developed by the company’s chief ballistician, Bryan Litz. Litz used his extensive experience in bullet design to combine a tangent ogive, which provides extra leeway in bullet seating, along with a secant ogive, which helps the bullet perform well in the wind. Diameter: 0.308 inch Weight: 155 grains Boattail desi Mfg: Berger Bullets
Berger Bullets Hybrid Target 30 Caliber (0.308") Boat Tail Bullets
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