100 Straight Products Adjustable Disk Hardware Kit


Makes Rifle & Shotgun Combs Fully Adjustable

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Easy-to-install hardware, in two kit styles, makes any wood stock fully adjustable for comb height and cast. Locking set screws secure adjustments. Comb hardware is interchangeable between kits. Adjustable Disk Kit – features separate bases that are inlaid into the stock and comb. Adjustable Plate Kit – has a one-piece base that is inlet into the stock and the insert bases for the comb. Brass only. Mfg: 100 Straight Products SPECS: Machined 360 brass or stainless steel. Gives .168" (4.28mm) cast and .50" (12.7mm) height adjustment. Includes bases, sleeves, set screws, Allen wrenches, comb pattern and instructions. Requires permanent alterations to the stock.

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